Please copy the file "root.pfs.040" found in the folder where "NekoMiko" is installed.
Open the "Local Files" tab in the game property window, and click "Browse Local Files" to find "NekoMiko" installation folder from Steam. To uninstall the patch, delete the copied file "root.pfs.040", previously copied into the "NekoMiko" installation folder beforehand.
Precautions Please close "NekoMiko" before installing or uninstalling the patch. Saved data will not be affected by the installing or uninstalling of the patch.
압축 파일을 받아 스팀에서 해당 게임을 오른 클릭한 뒤, 속성을 누르고 로컬파일 탭에서 로컬파일컨텐츠 보기를 눌러 게임이 설치된 폴더에 root.pfs.040파일을 붙여넣으세요.