스카이림 "모드"를 이용할 시 필요한 프로그램으로
저는 이것(MO)를 사용합니다.
현재 최신버전은 <이곳> 에서 받으실 수 있습니다.
Mod Organizer
I've been receiving and ignoring a lot of mails recently so I'd like to remind you guys that I do not provide support for MO by eMail or PM!. If you have trouble using MO ask your questions on the STEP forum. If you think you have a bug provide a good description on the issue tracker.
Another bugfix in the 1.3.x series. Please see the changelog for a list of bugfixes.
If you're still having issues with 1.3.4, please ensure the problem is reported on the issue tracker. Also, please monitor the issues you're affected by, very often I need additional information.
I've just uploaded Mod Organizer version 1.3.2 but I haven't marked it as the "latest version" yet so no one downloads this unwittingly.
Most importantly: MO 1.3.x and future versions no longer support Windows XP so if you use XP please stick with 1.2.18.
You might notice I skipped 1.3.0 and 1.3.1. This is because those versions were available on the step forum for testing for a couple of weeks so hopefully this release is stable but please still treat this as a beta and keep a backup of your previous installation.
New features
- Integration of loot 0.7 beta
- the integrated loot can now be updated without a new release of MO. (1)
- the mod list now has a new column that displays icons based on the content of the mod so you can quickly see if a mod contains, say, esps or textures or skse plugins or ...
- the mod list can be filtered by their content
- When you click a mod that has conflicts, the conflicting mods now get a colored highlight in the list.
Apart from this there are a couple of changes under the hood:
- MO is now based on the current version of Qt (5.4 instead of 4.8). Apart from the fact this fixes a few rare bugs you will mostly notice the bigger download size (4MB).
- Windows XP is no longer supported.
- more game-specific functionality has been factored out into plugins. While this won't suffice to support non-gamebryo games right now it may be possible for someone (not me) to write a Morrowind plugin.
(1) To update loot, get the "loot api" download from the loot github page at https://github.com/loot/loot/releases/ and copy the loot32.dll contained within to the loot directory of MO.
As I've announced on the step forum (link) I will be making myself scarce for a while (with the exception of urgent bugfixes).
This is not because I'm giving up on MO but because some of the changes I plan for the future require a lot of development work and I work better when I don't participate in three forums and private messaging and emails and investigate obscure bug reports and so on.
In other news: theimmersion has created a couple of custom themes for MO and a tutorial so if you've always wanted a pink MO then head over tohttp://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63743/? ;)
'마약의공간 > 스카이림 Mods' 카테고리의 다른 글
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